gambling offers in peru

How to Promote Gambling Offers in Peru?

Peru is one of the freshest GEOs in affiliate marketing, one that hasn’t yet been overwhelmed by affiliate markrters. You can and need to exploit this fact. The audience here is well-receptive to ads and loves gambling. The cost-per-click is relatively low, your test budget doesn’t need to be enormous and you can scale fairly quickly. Today, the Affstream team is here to tell you about the peculiarities of promoting gambling and betting offers in Peru, traffic sources and approaches to creatives. 

Peru: General Info

Peru is a South American country with a rich, vibrant culture. The GEO borders Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile and Colombia.

The official language is Spanish, and in some regions people also speak Quechua and Aymara. But it’s still better to design your creatives in Spanish. Best to hire a native-level translator so they could check your text and adjust it to the way Peruvians communicate, especially since Peruvian Spanish isn’t identical to classic Spanish.

The country is populated by 33 million people, with a large number of diverse ethnic groups: the majority are Native Americans and mestizos, 15% Europeans and 3% Asians.

Peru has 27 million Internet users. The Internet connection isn’t consistently fast though. Keep that in mind when designing creatives – on your landings, best to avoid over the top animations and heavy videos and focus instead on usability and loading times. Peruvians browse the web from both desktop and mobile devices, but gamble at casinos mainly using their smartphones. 

umber of Internet users in Peru

When targeting a mobile audience, keep in mind that around 90% of it is made up of Android users, with only the remaining 10% belonging to iOS and other OSs. The main operators are Movistar Perú, Claro Perú, Entel Perú and Bitel.

Largest cities – Arequipa, Callao, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Iquitos. You can additionally check with your personal affiliate program manager which localities are best to target.

In the larger cities, Peruvians live essentially just like Europeans: they are urbanized, tech-savvy and wear trendy clothes. People from the more remote areas dress in Peruvian ponchos and are more committed to traditions. 

Interests of the target audience

Peruvians are open, good-natured people who love to chat and have fun, and that includes casinos. The latter operate legally in the country, with the government responsible for regulating the activities of igaming operators. However, the locals don’t really trust the local gambling halls and tend to prefer foreign ones. 

Many Peruvians go online to have fun, are avid shoppers and actively make deposits and place bets. Around 50% of the population spends between 4 to 9 hours or more online  a day.

According to Similarweb, these are the most popular websites that account for most Peruvian Internet users:

  • the ability to check the quality of a proxy; 
  • a built-in smart bot for farming and warming up accounts and collecting cookies;  
  • teamwork tools — role and access distribution; 
  • 3rd party service integration; 
  • the ability to work with multiple traffic sources at once, for example Facebook, Google and TikTok.

Additional and profitable sources of traffic, you can take a closer look at are ASO, SEO and advertising networks.

Since Peru currently isn’t oversaturated with advertisers, people are relatively tolerant of ads and are interested in new types of games and forms of entertainment. Unlike the more competition-heavy GEOs, there’s not really any banner blindness here. Simple and slick creatives, without any shock content can perform quite well. 

The main motivation locals have for gambling is to have a good time, relax and get away from it all. A big part of it all is the hope to hit the jackpot. People respond well to bright, colorful slots, bonuses, free spins and other freebies.

Patriotism ranks high in the list of Peruvian values. So be sure to cater to it in your creatives and landing pages: use locals as models, include Peruvian landmarks and national attributes. You can also utilize the story-telling and  interview formats – where a person talks about a casino and how they managed to win there. 

The Economy

The Republic of Peru is classified as a Tier 3 GEO, but it’s gradually moving on up to the Tier 2 category. The country is considered an agrarian-industrial state and has a developed economy. Its vital sectors include mining, manufacturing, and the service sector.

Currency — Peruvian Nuevo Sol (PEN).

Average salary — $400 a month.

Even though Peruvians have a passion for sports, the sports infrastructure is underdeveloped, and investment is limited. As a result, sports development has become the de-facto responsibility of the general population.

National Holidays

Peruvians are very passionate about national traditions and love to have a good time during holidays. Holiday events inspire people to look for new ways to have fun, treat themselves to a gift, like getting a thrill or a dose of adrenaline. 

Here’s a list of Peru’s key holidays that you can use to the advantage of your ad campaigns:

  • New Year’s Day – January 1
  • Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday are floating dates, check the Catholic calendar;
  • Labor Day – May 1;
  • Saints Peter and Paul Day – June 29;
  • Independence Day – July 28-29;
  • Saint Rose of Lima Day – August 30;
  • National Dignity Day – October 9;
  • All Saints’ Day (Halloween)–- November 1;
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception – December 8;
  • Christmas and the beginning of the season holidays – December 24-25.

Main Peruvian Sport

The main sport in Peru is football. Many Peruvians play football with their entire families, but almost every resident of the country is a genuine hardcore fan. Betting on football matches is especially popular.

Also popular are volleyball, taekwondo, basketball, water polo, and, more recently, surfing betting. Football is unofficially considered a more manly sport, since its fanbase is predominantly male. The ladies prefer volleyball – there’s a bunch of female volleyball teams in Peru.


Gambling Offers in Peru a real find! This is a GEO with enormous potential that is suitable for both affiliate newbies and seasoned pros. As for the iGaming vertical, Peru is performing exceptionally well. The audience loves to gamble, placing bets and is constantly looking for new way to have fun online. Cheap leads enable you to run effective tests without have a massive test budget. This is the perfect time to promote gambling and betting offers in Peru!